The Elder Scrolls Online Summerset chapter has brought jewelry crafting to ESO! This is the extended guide where I show all the different nodes, show off all the traits, and of course teach you how to craft jewelry!

The Elder Scrolls Online Summerset chapter has brought jewelry crafting to ESO! This is the extended guide where I show all the different nodes, show off all the traits, and of course teach you how to craft jewelry!
Summerset is bringing something to Elder Scrolls Online that a LOT of players are excited about… it’s jewelry crafting! In order to create, upgrade, research or deconstruct jewelry – you do need to own the ESO Summerset Chapter. I did a preview guide on the PTS so you can see what to expect. Once Jewelry Crafting goes live I’ll make a full real guide (as some things may change) so leave any comments or questions here so I can include all information in the full guide!