Transmutation has been added to Elder Scrolls Online in the base game update of Clockwork City!
What is transmutation?
Transmutation is the system in place that allows you to change the trait on gear. You can transmute weapons and armor.
What is needed to transmute something?
First you need a weapon or piece of armor you would like to change the trait on. You will also need 50 transmute crystals, and you need to have already researched the trait you’d like to change it to. For example, let’s say you have an axe in precise, that you would like to change to infused. You need to have completed researching infused on axes.
What is research?
Researching items allows you to craft items with a specific trait, craft set pieces, and transmute gear to that trait! I have a video guide on researching you can watch to learn more.
How do I get transmute crystals?
You break open Transmute geodes! “Transmutation Geodes” always give a set amount of crystals, while “Uncracked Transmutation Geodes” give you a random number of crystals (between two numbers). The higher quality the geode, the more crystals it will give you. You can get these geodes by…
Transmutation Geode Types to # of Crystals
Geode | # of Crystals |
Fine/Green Transmutation Geode | 1 Crystal |
Superior/Blue Transmutation Crystal | 5 |
Epic/Purple Transmutation Crystal | Unknown |
Legendary/Gold Transmutation Crystal | 50 Crystals |
Fine/Green Uncracked Transmutation Crystal | 1-3 Crystals |
Superior/Blue Uncracked Transmutation Crystal | 1-5 Crystals |
Epic/Purple Uncracked Transmutation Crystal | 1-10 Crystals |
Legendary/Gold Uncracked Transmutation Crystal | 4-25 Crystals |
Geode/Crystal Drop Locations & Rates
Activity | Geode | # of Crystals | Possible/Guaranteed |
Normal Undaunted Pledge | Fine/Green Transmutation Geode | 1 | Guaranteed |
Veteran Undaunted Pledge | Superior/Blue Uncracked Transmutation Geode | 1-3 | Guaranteed |
Veteran Hard Mode Undaunted Pledge | Epic/Purple Uncracked Transmutation Geode | 2-10 | Guaranteed |
First Random Dungeon via Group finder per day (per character – normal or vet) | Fine/Green Transmutation Geode | 1 | Guaranteed |
Trial Weekly Quest (Per trial/character – normal or vet) | Crystals | 5 | Guaranteed |
Battleground Leaderboards | Unknown | Unknown | Guaranteed |
Cyrodiil End of Campaign Rewards (30 day) | Legendary/Gold Transmutation Geode | 50 | Guaranteed |
Cyrodiil End of Campaign Rewards (7 day) | Unknown | 10 | Guaranteed |
Veteran Maelstrom Arena | N/A | 4 | Guaranteed |
Veteran Dragonstar Arena | N/A | 5 | Guaranteed |
Weekly VMA Leaderboard | Superior/Blue Transmutation Geode | 5 | Guaranteed |
Weekly Trials Leaderboard Rewards | Superior/Blue Transmutation Geode | 5 | Guaranteed |
First Rewards for the Worthy Mail per day (per character) | Legendary/Gold Uncracked Transmutation Geode | 4-25 | Guaranteed |
Completing a random dungeon via grouping tool (after your first of the day – normal/vet) | Fine/Green Transmutation Geode | 1 | Possible |
Final Boss in Normal Dungeon | Unknown | Unknown | Possible (less likely than in vet) |
Final Boss in Veteran Dungeon | Epic/Purple Uncracked Transmutation Geode | 1-10 | Possible (more likely than in normal) |
Rewards for the Worthy (after your first of the day) | Gold/Legendary Uncracked Transmutation Geode | 4-25 | Possible |
Anything else I should know about transmute crystals and geodes?
Transmute geodes are considered a container, therefore cannot be banked, traded or sold. You also can not stack geodes. Once a geode is opened, the transmute crystals are automatically added to your currency. Crystals are a currency (not an inventory item) that is accessible by all your characters. No need to “bank” crystals you received on your main character so your crafter can use them. Everyone can hold up to 100 crystals at a time, ESO+ subscribers can keep up to 200 crystals.
Where do I go to transmute something?
You need to visit a transmutation station. There is one located in the Brass Fortress, which is the main city area of the Clockwork City DLC. You can also purchase a station from Rolis Hlaalu for 1250 vouchers, and place it in your home. If you have a friend with a transmutation station in their house you have access to, you can also use theirs.
- Location in Brass Fortess (Clockwork City)
- Front door of building with transmutation station
How do I transmute something?
Interact with the transmute station and select an item to transmute. You will then need to select the trait you would like to change the item to. Crystals are automatically added to the ui if you have enough. Once you confirm your selection, the item will be transmuted!
- Select item to transmute
- Select trait you want item to be
- Confirm transmutation
- Transmute symbols shows item has been transmuted before
- New transmuted item
- Select transmute at transmute station
- Select item to transmute
- Select trait you want to the item to be
- Confirm transmutation
- Transmuted item!
What’s the catch?
Transmuting an item binds it to your account, so it can not be sold or traded. As well, an item that has been transmuted cannot be used to research a trait.
Can I transmute something that I already transmuted before?
If you have any questions about transmutation, please leave them below! I’ll be adding to this guide as I find more questions, and as we get our hands on this on the live server.
“Weekly Trials Leaderboard Rewards Legendary/Gold Transmutation Geode 50 Guaranteed”
Where is this confirmed? In the patch notes it specifically mentions 5 crystals for Trial leaderboard
The patch notes don’t list anything. Some of the PTS patch notes did, but those values changed throughout PTS and the live patch notes were not specific. I tried my best to test/clarify all drops myself, but something such as trial leaderboards I’m not on.. so I asked friends who were. You get 5 crystals for completing the trial each week (that may be what you are thinking of… it comes in your weekly coffer).. but if you actually get on the weekly trial leaderboards you get the bigger geode.
Not sure why any1 would want to change the traits, especially if they are a Master Crafter and can make items of any traits.
Anything useful I could do with the Geode when I cap it?
Not really. Spend those crystals or just hold on to the geode