
Hey there! Thanks for visiting my site! Just a heads up! When I returned from LA for the Bethesda E3 Showcase and from E3, I plan on doing some renovations on the website. I do it on my own so it’s likely to take awhile and there may be times the site is unavailable or just plain won’t work. I’ll do my best to keep it up and running as much as possible though! I’m pretty unhappy with the load speed so I’ll be looking into a new layout and ways to optimize the site better so it’s a better experience for everyone!
The ESO Dungeon Finder / Grouping Tool received a huge overhaul for the Thieves Guild DLC! It is pretty much a brand new tool so it was time I revamped my old guide on how to use Elder Scrolls Online dungeon finder. The tool now scales people and the dungeon to VR16, offers rewards and more!
There are a lot of new cool features, and I can definitely see myself using the grouping tool for ESO more than ever now! What’s you thoughts on the new dungeon finder?
Welcome to my brand new website for all things MissBizz! Here you can follow along to see my latest ESO guides, read my Let’s Play character journal, learn about my real life, and more!
It’s still kinda sorta under construction.
You will notice that not all my ESO characters have profiles yet, and there generally is just a wee bit of content. Don’t worry, there will be lots to come!
Starting tomorrow Saturday October 3rd I will be starting to upload my Blind Skyrim Let’s Play! Along with every let’s play video I will also be writing out a blog post that is taken directly from my character’s journal!
I have also started to redo all of my ESO video guides!
I will be releasing a minimum of 3 video’s each week on youtube! This will be a mixture of my Let’s Play Skyrim and video guides! I am also looking for more suggestions on what beginner video guides you would like to see! Please leave a comment below with any and all suggestions!
Thanks for stopping by, and I hope you stumble in here again! As the site grows, so will the fun, stories, and knowledge!
Are you brand new and keep hearing of these “starter islands” in ESO? Well I have the guide for you! I quickly show what NPC you need to chat up to get yourself a ride to your factions starter island. Starter islands do contain skyshards, and the main quest on the island always sends you back to the mainland, so it’s foolish not to go!
Looking for Perfect Roe? Working your butt off trying to become a master fisherman? Make sure you know how to fish in The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited! Fishing in ESO depends on the water type and bait type. Knowing the right hints will ensure an almost completely used-bait free fishing trip!