The Undaunted Rescuer achievement is where you need to save a bunch of people from inside the City of Ash 2 veteran dungeon! Here’s a guide on where all these people are as you make your way through the dungeon. Keep in mind, you don’t need to save them all in one dungeon run – you can get them over the course of as many runs as you want!
For the maps, pay attention where the blueish arrow (me) is!
This guide is in the order you find them as you run through the dungeon!
#1 – Axel Malveaux
- Axel Malveaux Map Location
- Axel Malveaux
#2 – Eats-Aged-Meat
- Eats-Aged-Meat Location Map
- Eats-Aged-Meat
#3 – Zantan the Magnificient
- Zantan the Magnificent Map Location
- Zantan the Magnificent
At this point in the dungeon you can go left, or right. I go left first. If you go right first, just go to #6 then #5 then backtrack to #4 instead.
#4 – Umbarume the Undertaker
- Umbarune the Undertaker Map Location
- Umbarune the Undertaker
#5 – Monyen
- Monyen Map Location
- Monyen
#6 – Caeleneth the Hapless
- Caeleneth the Hapless Map Location
- Caeleneth the Hapless
#7 – Brittgerd Bear-Master & #8 Hogondar Hammerhurl
You will need to let them finish their conversation before talking to them to save them!
- Brittgerd Bear-Master & Hogondar Hammerhurl Map Location
- Brittgerd Bear-Master & Hogondar Hammerhurl
#9 – Sobabe
- Sobabe Map Location
- Sobabe
#10 – Bloody Mayra & #11 – Glad Glatha
- Bloody Mayra & Glad Glatha Map Location
- Bloody Mayra & Glad Glatha
#12 – Fingaenion
After you defeat Valkyn Skoria, go through the door, interact with the Sigil Stone, and wait for Fingaenion to finish talking before you can save him!
- Fingaenion Map Location
- Fingaenion
Congratulations! You now have the Undaunted Rescuer Achievement! If you have any issues finding anyone – check out my video guide so you can see a bit better exactly where everyone is, and after what parts of the dungeon !