During this episode of lets play skyrim blind I head out to retrieve the nettlebane for Danica! There was death, victory and confusion all wrapped into one episode!
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During this episode of lets play skyrim blind I head out to retrieve the nettlebane for Danica! There was death, victory and confusion all wrapped into one episode!
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Well, first part of this episode of lets play skyrim blind is clips of my stupidity pretty much, which includes spending my savings! I’ll never be able to afford a house like this! So I reload my save and we move on.
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We really do finish the dungeon this time! I don’t just think we are entering a boss room! Join me as we fight our way through Dustmans Cairn and find another word wall! There was a couple close calls, but Farkas and I have made it out alive!
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We continue out journey through the skyrim dustman cairn dungeon today! In this episode of lets play skyrim blind, I try my best to open a master lock, and prepare for what I think is the dungeon boss.
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We really will get into the companions! With no distractions today we found Dustman’s Cairn in this episode of Lets Play Skyrim blind! I was not expecting a dungeon when I took this journey, but we definitely found one!
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Today started out as a day to finish off the tasks needed to become a companion, but (as usual) I got distracted! We discovered Fort Greymoor, and it is apparently owned by bandits! Bandits sure have a lot of real estate in Skyrim.. they seem to be everywhere! I also am avidly saving up for a house in Whiterun! I can’t wait!
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